Ileoscopy - no sedation

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Most patients undergoing ileoscopy require no sedation. These instructions are only for those undergoing the exam without sedation. If sedation is required, refer to the Ileoscopy with sedation instructions.

What is it and why do I need it?

Ileoscopy is an endoscopic procedure that uses a tiny camera attached to a scope to examine the lower portion of the small intestine (the ileum). It is most often used to diagnose the cause of bleeding, high ileostomy fluid output and Crohn’s disease. 

The Preparation

Consume a clear liquid diet the night before or if an afternoon exam, for breakfast that day. Stop drinking all fluids (including clear liquids and water) 4 hrs before the exam (minimal sips are allowed to take your usual medications). 

You may take your usual medications right up until procedure time (small amounts of water).

If you take insulin or other diabetic medicines, dosage adjustments will be provided for you. Bring your insulin with you so that you can take it after the procedure if necessary.

The risks

You will be asked to sign a consent form at the time of the exam. The risks of ileoscopy are low (under 1%), but do include bleeding, perforation, infection, tearing of the lining and heart/lung problems. If you have concerns about these risks, please contact your physician before your procedure. You will also be able to discuss this with your physician at the time of the exam.

The procedure

The entire process, from when you arrive to when you leave, may take 2 hours. In the preparation area, you will be asked questions about your health history. The flexible scope will be inserted into your stoma and into the ileum. Air will be inflated to better see the lining and biopsies may need to be taken. The procedure usually takes 10 minutes. 

After the procedure

Your physician will discuss the results with you. You may return to work and your usual activities and diet immediately.